"Cats don't have owners, but personnel," they say. But is that correct? How attached are cats to their owners, and does a cat miss you when you're gone? In this article, you will discover everything about cats & attachment + useful tips for when you go on vacation.
Cats are solitary and social
It's true that cats are solitary beings: they can take good care of themselves. That also means that - unlike dogs, for example - they don't necessarily depend on people when it comes to a sense of attachment and security. Research has shown doesn't show signs of separation anxiety when the owner is away. Some cat owners know this: you return from vacation but your cat acts very indifferent! Other cats even behave outright "offended" and pretend not to see you at all.
But many cats are very happy when their owners come home. They meow, come and sit on your lap or on your keyboard ... Some cats follow their owners everywhere around the house.
And that's not so strange. Because although cats are solitary hunters originally, they have learned living in groups under the influence of humans. Many cats are therefore quite social, and need company and interaction with other people and animals.
[[{"type": "media "," view_mode ":" media_large "," fid ":" 7029808 "," attributes ": {" alt ":" British Shorthair sitting by window "," class ":" media-image "," typeof ":" foaf: Image "}}]]
When does a cat love you?
And although most cats might act cool when you get home, their more subtle signals certainly show that they are attached to their "favorite person." Cats show their appreciation by greeting you with a cheerful 'prrrt', by rubbing past you to leave their scent behind, and by pushing their head against you or even nibbling or biting a bit. Moreover, it is already quite a thing that a cat likes to be near you. If a cat stays with you and doesn't hide from you or run away, it means he is very happy to be with you.
Although we know quite a lot about cats by now, not all cats behave unambiguously. Some cats might very human-oriented and affectionate, others might just like other cat or just want to go their own way. So pay special attention to what YOUR cat needs. Adjust the care to the individual cat. And if you book a personal cat sitter, it is important to tell your pet sitter everything about your pooch' character and needs. Ask the sitter to continue the normal routine as much as possible during your vacation.
[[{"type": "media", "view_mode": "media_large", "fid": "7029799", "attributes": {"alt": "cat hugs woman", "class": "media-image", "typeof": "foaf: Image"}}]]
Cats like routines
Although cats are not emotionally dependent on you as a person, they are attached to your company and care. Whoever always sees his cat strolling around his food bowls at a certain time, knows a cat as a great 'internal clock'. Cats have a strong sense of routine. This applies not only to their daily routine, but also to their location and the composition of the family. A cat that suddenly has to deal with strong changes (moving, a baby on the way, a new pet) can get quite confused and stressed. So try to limit major changes for a cat.
That is why it is important - also when you go on vacation - to maintain the cat's daily routine as much as possible. You get cat normally eat twice a day? Do you always scoop out the litter box in the evening? Then ask if you cat sittier to follow the same schedule.
Does a cat miss you when you're gone?
Although your cat is ok to be alone for a while and sleeps a lot during the day, it is a misunderstanding that you can leave a cat alone for days. The mental and physical health of a cat depends on its daily dose of stimuli - its mental and physical challenge. So very important: a cat needs interaction with peers and / or people. Cats that spend their days at home alone can become flabbily and eventually even develop behavioral problems.
If you want to know how your cat behaves when he is alone, you can use a pet spy cam. With a pet camera, you can continue to follow your cat remotely via an app.
Watch the livestream of a kitten cam here. Beware: it's addictive!

Important: a cat sitter during your vacation
Your cat can feel quite alone without you and his normal routine. So: If you go on vacation, ask your personal cat sitter to not only give the cat fresh water, food and cat litter, but also sufficient time and attention. A Pawshake sitter can come by your house once or twice a day.
A home visit by a sitter from Pawshake takes on average a half an hour to an hour and a half, during which the babysitter can play with the cat, cuddle or simply sit on the couch together. Not all cats want to play with the babysitter immediately, and hide. That does not necessarily mean that the cat prefers to be alone, he just needs some time.
Tips for when you go on vacation:
- Don't move your cat around (staying at the comfort of home)
- Let the pet sitter get to know your cat beforehand
- Keep the cat's normal routine, but:
- don't force the cat to do anything
- Let your sitter play and cuddle with your cat
- Let your cat decide when to interact - give him space
- Provide a scratching post and a high, safe hiding spot
And the most important advice: don't be offended if your cat doesn't show that he missed you. We often attribute human emotions to a cat (offended, arrogant, sad or affectionate and loving.) But a cat is a cat - who experiences the world in its own way. So especially enjoy his natural, special, stubborn and always fascinating cat behavior.
Find a cat sitter in your area
Happy holidays!